Notes for 4/4/02 





Put shortcuts to avi’s in this quarters folder for efx




                Transitions between real life and drawing flashbacks not clear


                Time cues


                How will it end? Begin? Credits?


                Transition to newspaper vignette and how to make it more interesting


Way of indicating girl’s feeling of ambiguity towards adoptive dad

                Suspense by adding conflict at end of vignette?


How does adoptive dad come into the café scene?


How do we transition between café scene and girl’s drawings?


Credits on table she was at?



Render farm meeting Tuesday @ 7:30 or 8pm





                Easiest and most productive fx


                Model Sheets

                                Distinction between adoptive and biological dad

                                Consistency of girl through real life and vignettes


                Play on audience expectations

                                Adoptive dad looks dead beat white trash

                                Biological dad looks like upstanding citizen

                                Clear character traits between the two


Daily’s Folder




Model movement and appearance

                Less detail when from older and abstract memories or with a lot of motion

                How do we maintain consistency of models between less and more detailed ones

Can we create contrast w/different drawing styles in vignettes?